Tag: book blogger

Let’s NOT Call It Up-Lit: Your Fiction Prescription in a World Gone Bonkers

Let's NOT Call It Up-Lit: Your Fiction Prescription For A World Gone Bonkers

If you want to determine the state of humanity, just look at popular fiction, because we’re reading the opposite of what we’re living. Right now the people demand uplifting tales of generosity, kindness, and collaborative triumph over adversity. With that in mind, I’m predicting what we’ll be reading next, linked to whichever fresh disaster befalls the world this week. You’re welcome.

Hey Publishers: Could You Skip The Bloody Safety Briefings And Deal Me Some Book Heroin Please

Why Brexit and Trump Mean Romance is Due a Comeback

I want to blow my mind with a book, but the publishing world is consistently offering me the literary equivalent of aspirin. Unfortunately, what I want doesn’t seem to fit into those narrow marketing categories which now dictate everything we read. Don’t they know that the biggest blockbusters of the last few decades didn’t fit in either, and that’s kind of the bloody point?