Tag: irish blog

The Things We Hate To Like: Lend Me Your Ears

2018 Was Busy. Let 2019 Be The Proof Of It

Who likes the social media ‘Like’? Nobody, that’s who. It would be like appreciating a poor phone line, or an alarm clock that worked at least every other Thursday. Some things are woefully inadequate, but we put up with them anyway. Please stop, and lend me your ears.

Had Enough Grip-Lit? 20 New Book Genres To Make You Sound Cool

The Most Effective 5-Minute Workout In The World (Which EVEN YOU Can Do, Fatty!)

I am sick to the back teeth (ew) of people going on about ‘grip-lit’. Not the genre. The term. We can’t get rid of it. We can only try to outshine it. For that reason, Ladies and Gentlemen: I give you Wick-Lit, Flip-Lit and Crick-Lit. Go forth with them, and prosper.